I saw my oncologist on the 8th and we’ll proceed to “wait” until another PET scan in two months. I feel okay – but definitely have lost strength and energy and I become anxious when I have to take a break or do not feel 100%. Probably expecting too much . . . I just do not like not feeling “well.” Today I feel like I might be coming down with a cold and that immediately causes me to be concerned about breathing issues, etc. Guess the bout of pneumonia in January didn’t help. The oncologist assured me that anxiety would be normal – and that he expected I would have to take breaks during yard work, etc. – and so I guess what I am feeling is perfectly normal. I just don’t like it. Aside from the grumbles I am taking great delight in finally seeing flowers and some “green.” I am looking forward to some REALLY warm weather.
Glad I made a moment to ‘catch up’ on your blog, Lisa– Thanks for sharing how things are right now…. and yes, sounds VERY expected to me that a person in your situation would feel anxious with possible impending situations like a cold, which could exacerbate your delicate balance with your whole respiratory system– things that might have only been a ‘slight annoyance’ several years ago, you realize rightly could be major set-backs right now. I’ll pray for you to be growing in your ability to fend off new infections or viral onslaughts– may your immune system gain courage here!!
Lots of love, and may every day spent at least a bit outside in the brightening spring bring strength and hope.