Had my PET scan on Monday and am now “on hold.” Actually glad that is the case. A lot of inflammation showed up . . . hard to tell if it is from residual pneumonia problems or general inflamation after treatment or stubborn, residual cancer cells. Some areas are completely free of activity so we know treatment worked there. So – what to do, what to do. I have opted to wait for three months with monitoring in between and have another scan at the end of that time. I will check in with the oncologist monthly and of course see him if anything should seem other than “healthy.” If the scan still shows suspicious activity at the end of three months or if I should develop other issues I will start targeted therapy – chemo in pill form. This delay will allow me to continue to build strength as well as change my current blood pressure medication which is incompatible with the therapy. And so the journey continues . . . but today being able to walk outside, to see an hawk swooping in the sky and to visit with an old neighbor . . . it feels good!!!!!!