Just another cancer blog

Month: October 2022

So . . .here I am again . . .or I’m still here . . .either way I’ll take it.

It’s been a couple of years . . .we’ve been through the pandemic. Got my 4th dose of COVID vaccine on Wednesday . . .right after I saw the oncologist. Lung cancer is definitely back . . .the biopsy proved it and the sample will now be sent off to determine my next level of treatment. As the doctor reminded me . . .I’ve been treated for ten years now. First breast cancer and lung cancer in 2014. Endometrial cancer in 2015. All unrelated. The number of possible treatments has increased . . .15 years ago there was almost no treatment. I am truly fortunate.

So.I don’t think this was published back in February and I know yesterday’s post was. There has been a little confusion with the site . . .I would really appreciate knowing if anyone is able to see the posts.

Another bridge to cross . . . .

So, it’s been awhile. Fall, again. Little warnings that there were changes, now confirmations . . .and treatment starts again. Brain lesions recurred and there is some minor progression elsewhere. So . . . . gamma knife treatment for two brain lesions last Wednesday with two chemo and Keytruda infusions started on Friday. I am in the middle of chemo nausia and feel miserable. See the oncologist today . . .and plan to get meds to help with that. I am prepared….have a new wig. Was not prepared for this “downer” however. B12 injection and steroids gave me a bit of a boost and boy have I crashed. I have forgotten how I felt and what I ate and how I worked with all the symptoms before and am relearning. Loving fall’s beautiful colors, my two lovely kitties and the blessings of family and friends.