Some news . . . the radiologist told me last Wednesday that I should meet with the thoracic surgeon and have a PET scan. Even though it is soon after radiation they want to determine progress, etc. at which point the oncologist, radiologist and surgeon will discuss options. That was my last radiation treatment and although I have a slight rash it is nothing that an over-the-counter cream can’t deal with. However, I had started to get a prickly heat type rash on my forearms, upper arms and forehead and he said to be sure to tell the oncologist. Chemo was scheduled that day. The oncologist told the nurse to start the saline drip and he would check it out. Apparently I had an allergic reaction to one of the chemo drugs. (He asked if the rash was anywhere else – small dots appeared on my legs that afternoon) So – he announced there would be no chemo that day nor would I have another one until the decision about surgery was sorted out – again, apparently giving my body a little time to heal. Drip was changed to Benadryl and I went home with a steroid prescription and glad that I would not be having treatment for awhile.
Then everything moved quickly. The thoracic surgeon’s office called and an appointment was scheduled for Wednesday. The radiologist’s office called and the PET scan was scheduled for Wednesday and my appointment for the oncologist to check my rash is on Wednesday. Busy day.
Nothing will happen until all of the doctor’s meet, discuss the PET scan and then present me with my options. Surgery – two more cycles of chemo and radiation – time frame – and then I get to make the decision about those options – and, I suppose, whatever else might be possible..
Right now I feel very good. If you saw the Thanksgiving picture of myself and Alex – that is what is left of my own hair. If there is a backlight, you can see through it – just the really white strands are left all over my head. If I left it standing up with the elastic and a bow I could be Cindy Lou Who. Oh, well, I found a couple of really cute hats which seem more comfortable than the wigs right now. I am not itching because the meds are working, I was able to enjoy a really wonderful Thanksgiving at my son’s house and I am looking forward to a few weeks of “normalcy.” Life is good!!!
Six weeks flew by. Now it’s going to be an eternity until we find out what’s next. Looking forward to seeing you soon.