Just another cancer blog

Chemo on the 14th , Neulasta today.

On Wednesday I received double the dose of chemotherapy I had been receiving during radiation treatment. The center was busy. My port did not cooperate with giving a blood sample so I was “stuck” a few times. Seemed to be some sort of “mechanical” problem since fluid went in but blood did not want to come out. Doctor declared all okay to proceed and so I had my treatment. Went to Olive Garden for a lovely early dinner and then slept a little more and went to bed. Woke up at 4:40 ready to go – felt good and energized all day. Had a little company. Did a lot of cleaning and a little baking. Decent dinner of cod fish and fresh vegetables and early to bed. Woke up at 4:00 feeling warm and a slightly rapid heart beat – decided I needed more sleep and 1/2 lorazepam and a bottle of water later slept ’til the alarm went off. Today was the day for Neulasta (an injection to help prvent infection which increases white blood cell count but can cause bone aches) – and I remember that hitting me harder than chemo before. Took my pre-injection tylenol to combat bone pain and Elsie took me to the Center for the injection. So far, so good. Of course, perhaps we’re just on the same schedule as before and it will hit tomorrow. Lots of details and really not that much to tell. We’ll just see how this goes- but as of right now, I’m just a little sleepy! Am glad I finally shaved off the wisps of hair I had left – sure they would be falling out anyway – and now the wigs and hats are so much more comfortable. Funny how different it is having chemo in the winter – I even wear a turban to bed ’cause my head gets cold and I realized I’m not drinking as much water as I should because I haven’t been as thirsty. One more treatment of chemo and then we shall see . . .

1 Comment

  1. Susan Richman

    Sounds like a wise decision to just shave off the wisps of hair– grateful to hear that both the wigs and hats now feel much more comfortable… and yes, I can imagine a cosy turban or hat would feel *very* good during these cold nights!

    May you remember to drink a bit more water ;-).
    Thinking of you– and THANKS for writing and sharing and keeping us all up to date on your journey to full healing.

    With love,

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